When I was still working in one the country’s universal bank, one of the things that the management made sure that we undergo is the counterfeit detection seminar. It was necessary in our job to be able to spot the genuine and what is not.
As a general rule, to be able to spot a fake, one has to know the genuine. From there it will be fairly easy. This is also true with advertising media. It is not easy. Personally, I can even consider myself as a sucker for infomercials. This is why I try to avoid watching them as much as possible.

There are real ones, but phony ones also exist. This is why word of mouth weighs more than printed advertisement. Go by personal recommendations, whenever you can. Like for instance, you are looking for an Orlando Locksmith. You might as well check with people you know who can recommend one. Look into testimonials whenever possible. Quality service should be a non-negotiable, whether what you want serviced is for your residence or office. Those who charge reasonably should always be prioritized. And when you get hold of a good company, make sure to include them in your handy address and contact book for easy access.
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