Thursday, May 28, 2009

Health Tip: Detoxification by Colon Cleansing

The topic of health cannot be discussed without the mention of the regularity of an individual’s bowel movement. Once a day is the least that you should be doing, otherwise you are at high risk to having all sorts of diseases.  

This is why a person has to detoxify once in every while. If you would check with some of my previous posts on other types of detoxification, there are quite a handful of benefits. Colon cleanse removes congestion and toxins that have been accumulated through the years. Wastes should not be left to rot in our system. Actually what it does is more than rot, left in our system it gets the toxins into our body. This explains the diseases that are both known and unknown to man. Detoxify every so often.


charles said...

The best way to clean our colon is by reinforcing the gut flora. By consuming beneficial bacteria or Probiotics not only do we help our colon and the whole digestive system itself but we also strengthen our total immune system as well.

Probiotics according to World Health Organisation (WHO): " are live micro-organisms which when which when administered in adequate amount confers to health benefit on the host.

There are different types of Probiotics, one of them is the Lactic acid bacterias often times could be seen in fermented foods and dairies such as cheese, yogurt, miso, kimchi, etc..

But hence the amount of good bacteria should be 85%, while 15% pathogens or bad bacteria, eating fermented foods is not even close to having a healthy life style. Drinking food supplements with millions on quantity of good bacteria a day would surely help us.