Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wardrobe Makeover

The start of the year is the best time to rearrange your closet. After having received bunches of additions to your wardrobe during the holidays, it is always best to give some of your old stuff away. A lot of us accumulate articles of clothings over the years that we barely use and as we change wardrobes, it is only right to clean up and rid your closet from clothes you barely use.

One of the things in my to do list for the first quarter of this year is a wardrobe makeover. I recently just got rid of my old socks. And if socks are one of your everyday clothing basics, then you should look into Hue Socks. A lot of women prefer their socks over the regular ones because of its matchless comfort, ever durable – lasting for a real long time. Their body sock stay up without the feeling of uncomfortable tightness that you usually get from other brands. I remember having been stuck with the brands to that got me to adjust and pull up. Hue’s cotton body socks are just a treasure for a working girl, to say the least.

As for my old socks, I really have to think of a clever way to dispose them off. Besides, it is something you don’t give away as hand me downs, right? Any bright ideas?