Friday, January 16, 2009

The Internet's Endless Potentials

The worldwide web has provided us with the benefits that we never have thought possible some decades back. I always knew that it was one neat thing back when I was still in grade school and it continued on the progressing to how it is now to this day. Now that I am able to make my living right from home , maximizing the potential of technology to our advantage, what could be more sweeter, right?

One of the things that I love most about the internet is I am able to transact with banks and online shops at the convenience of my own home. I wouldn’t have to step away from home to be able to do my errands and replenish some necessities at home. It can even be fun! Currently I am exploring online auctions and getting a thrill from it. It is nice to be able to find items that are otherwise instinct in your part of the world.

I am amazed at the number of blogger friends and acquaintances that I have who have met their respective spouses via the internet and started out via online dating. Although the truth remains that one could always choose what he or she reveals to the other party what s/he wants known. Still we cannot deny the number of successful marriages that started out via the internet. I guess it is important that both have the same values to be able to come to an agreement.
The internet's possibilities have practically gone endless. It is up to us to tap into it and maximize its potentials. :-)


Anonymous said...

As a (much) older person, the internet wasn't even invented until I had well and truly left school and was married. Now, I couldn't live without it! All the e-mails, banking, telephone book, directions, and best of all Google. Even crossword solutions and knitting patterns.

Anonymous said...

It is fascinating to me how our social perceptions are now beginning to change: make romantic connections is one, but having friends that you will never meet physically was hard to conceive when I was younger.