Thursday, January 29, 2009

Things to Remember When Using Pesticides

All these are common sense. But still it helps to be aware of them before handling pesticides. If you could at all use organic treatments, do so.

...Make sure to read and follow directions to the letter. Taking note of every warning.

...Always make sure you only mix pesticides in a well ventilated area.

...Use gloves at all times.

...Keep pesticides in its original container. It is often harmful to transfer containers.

..Store them in locked, well ventilated area.

...Always wrap empty cans in layer upon layers of old newspapers before throwing them away.

...Make sure to exhaust all gas from pressurized cans before throwing them away.

...Remove food, utensils, pets, dishes before spraying indoors.

...use pesticides near children and pets.

...smoke, eat, drink or chew gum.

...inhale vapors, sprays or dust pesticides around food.

...dump in places where it will endanger fish or contaminate water a treated room for one hour from the time that it was sprayed.