As organized as I try to be, for some reason, I lost one $13 credit card payment receipt during the holidays. I was shocked to receive a billing statement over email with an amount that of more than $31 than I expect. I make sure I pay the full amount of my bill before the due date, so alarmed as I was, I called Citibank to ask for the breakdown. It turned out, I got penalized and the payment never got through. I always pay via the bank and thought maybe the bank failed to upload the payments over the holidays.
After rummaging for all probable place I could have placed it, I finally saw the receipt which was collected alongside all the other receipts (probably by my weekend cleaning girl), it's on top of the fridge. I found out that the account number that it got credited in was the old Citibank credit card that was long terminated. I called Citiphone again (for the fourth time) and they saw that the payment was indeed credited to the terminated account. I faxed the transaction receipt and they are going to reverse all charges very soon! Whew!
I always file my receipts, but because of busyness and because of the amount of the receipt was too small to bother with, I took for granted to keep it until I receive a confirmation of the receipt of payment. No, I don't keep my receipts for ages to gather dust and all. I have my email archive to do the job- a confirmation receipt is enough. Another lesson learned by yours truly. As much as I was confident that I paid my obligation, it was not enough. I have got to get hold of the receipt for proof until it gets credited and I have received confirmation.
Meanwhile, I am happy that I don't need to pay that extra $31 (charges and penalty) for that would have been treated as $13 unpaid bill. Atleast the company gave me credit for the good standing and prompt payments I have always had with them. :-)