Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tips on Eliminating Debts

Do you think it is important to live within your means? I do. This is why I recently cancelled one of my credit cards after eliminating debts that were incurred during the past years. Admittedly, there are just some unexpected expenses like medical ones or otherwise that sometimes catch us empty handed. So instead of making a loan that has bigger interest rates, we charge them via credit cards.

If truth be told, keeping credit cards and getting into the habit of using them without thinking of the responsibility of paying them off right away can leave a lot of people frustrating. This is also why a lot of people I know find it hard to eliminate debt and just deny their existence altogether.
Just for the record, this is the photo I took a couple of months back when I got one of my cards paid off. It can be one of the most liberating things. The agent of the bank kept on convincing me, even waiving the annual fee for another year but no, I have to stand my ground. I still have a couple of cards in my wallet and this one is not needed anymore. I don’t need the points that have been accumulated. What good will that be if it means I still have to make purchases anyway that I could otherwise pay in cash or via my debit card. Cashless shopping is still possible with the latter.

I still have a few thousands to settle in my other card. The other one just a few hundreds. All of those are in pesos, so all in all, give or take I only have around $150 left to pay off and I am done! This is such a relief for me. For more information on how to eliminate debt you can learn more from