Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sports Over Game Consoles

My little guy is nuts about baseball these days. It is all he ever mentions these days and whenever we go hit the mall, he would never fail to linger on the toy’s store area with baseball sets and gears. I guess he loves to practice his swings and would love to try that sport this time, after having been fascinated with soccer for sometime, a shift of interest can be fun.

I just saw a site that is all about sports and gears - I am beginning to like the site and am actually contemplating of getting my little guy’s sports stuff from there. What got me interested is the knowledge that this site is a licensed seller of Youth Baseball Equipment. I won’t just get a good pair of Baseball Gloves from this site but also some portable soccer goals that my husband wants to buy for the longest time to train our toddler to play soccer.

It is always good to start children early in sports rather than having them stay indoors and immerse on all those zombifying game consoles. If truth be told, we all know how even a mature adult can get hooked playing these game consoles, how much worse can little children handle them.