Monday, November 24, 2008

Handy Golf Tips

Who does not admire sporty and physical people? I do. In fact, the hubby is so into sports that at his ripe age of 33, he is currently in a soccer team that is set to play a series of tournament games against different soccer teams all over the Philippines- The Third Terry Razon Copa Filipina Tournament (Third Division). He is also into Aikido, Judo and Kyokushin Karate. He is also a good basketball player. The only thing that he probably has not played yet is Golf. Although this game does not appeal as very physical, it does appear to be a very challenging sport.

This is also the one sport that I hope to be able to explore with the hubby. We recently just came across this web page about the sport. It is in German language but nevertheless a very interesting golf website. I had it translated to English and found it to be the biggest golf shop offering a widest array of brand names in golf accessories and equipment. Anyone who play golf knows how important the basics of golf are. These stuffs being: golf bags, gloves, golf clubs, golf trollies, balls, training equipment. Training videos are made available for you as well straight from their website. It is totally a one stop online golf shop for all golf lovers.

Make sure you head over and check out what they have in store for you lovers of the sport. It is indeed a treasure website. You can also have a glimpse of the history of great golf players and their profiles. As you can see they have more than just an online shop at your disposal but more than just bits and pieces about the well loved sport.

As for me, I am hoping to be able to get down to learning this sport and appreciate golf all the more.