Friday, November 14, 2008

Be Fit and Stay Healthy

Keep healthy. This is one tip that we can never emphasize enough. I have been down with a flu, for the fourth day now and I am bombarded by the fact that I have taken my health for granted. Leering away from exercise and skipping meals.

If there is anything I should learn from the hubby is his being into sports. It is not surprising that it is always me who get the bug, while our exposure is just about the same. We go to the same place, eat the same food. I have not moved passed playing badminton. But one thing that I am very curious about is the sports of golf. The precision that is required to play the said sport is indeed intriguing.
For those who are lovers of the sport, there is this German web site, that specializes in Ping custom fitting. You will find their site very user friendly aside from the fact that they probably have the best golf products there is available online.

I know readers of this blog who play golf will find this site very handy and when the time comes that I get that chance to finally learn the sport, I know it is not unlikely for me to get hooked and be a regular of this web page.