Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How to Care for the Fireplace

Winter is here again. Are you and your household prepared for this cold season? How do you maintain your fireplace? During this winter season, you would have to clean the fireplace and hearth at least once a week. Vacuum or brush up ashes and wipe off the hearth with a damp cloth or sponge specifically for the fireplace.

Some households prefer to have gas fires or even on of those contemporary electric fires. There are a lot of state of the art hole in the wall fires available in HotPrice.co.uk that you might want to check out. They probably the top store to look into when it comes to quality at unbelievably low prices.

The walls of the firebox should always be cleaned with a dry bristle brush or the dusting attachment of the vacuum cleaner. Be careful not to scrub the firebrick or cement block with water. Doing this may reduce heat retention.

Clean the fireplace chimney flue at least once a year. It will be best if you get the services of a professional chimney sweeper. Dust brass and iron fireplace tools and fire screens regularly. Wash them occasionally with warm sudsy water. Also make sure to sprinkle damp tea leaves over the ashes before removing them to reduce the dust. Wash and coat your slate hearth with lemon oil once every six weeks.