Sunday, November 30, 2008
Seasonal Cleaning of Rugs
at Sunday, November 30, 2008 1 comments
Labels: house cleaning, house tips, rugs
More Tips on Eliminating Debts
One wise thing to do if you have a lot of financial obligations to settle is debt consolidation. It takes away the risk of getting penalized because of not being able to pay on time and the ease of management is inevitable. Sometimes getting the services of a debt consolidator agent to do the job is the wisest.
Let’s face it a lot of people in our society suffer from carrying the burden of debt at one point in their lives. Some apply for college loans to be able to finish and get a degree, while others for a mortgage or a new car payment. Needs of people arise in variety of ways and most of them have piled up obligations before they know it.
If you are one of the typical credit card clients who make late payments, you should not be at all surprised why you continue to receive large monthly statements. Make that decision to be free from having to rack up those statements that come every month and choose to lower the debt that you pay in no time by deciding to consolidate your debts. It’s for your peace of mind.
Basics in Managing a Leaky Faucet
If what you have has a one piece ball, cartridge or valve make sure you have everything in hand and exactly what you need which are readily available in a home center or hardware. If you have a special faucet, then it will be wise to check with your manufacturer.
at Sunday, November 30, 2008 0 comments
Labels: bathroom tips, home repair
Tips on Eliminating Debts
If truth be told, keeping credit cards and getting into the habit of using them without thinking of the responsibility of paying them off right away can leave a lot of people frustrating. This is also why a lot of people I know find it hard to eliminate debt and just deny their existence altogether.
I still have a few thousands to settle in my other card. The other one just a few hundreds. All of those are in pesos, so all in all, give or take I only have around $150 left to pay off and I am done! This is such a relief for me. For more information on how to eliminate debt you can learn more from
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Home Entertainment Furnishings
For plastic exteriors, you can use milk soap and warm water. Always well wrung cleaning cloths to prevent drips. Periodically dust woodveneer cabinets with a soft, clean and slightly damp cloths.
If you have metal cabinets or chrome shiny trims of home entertainment equipment, do not hesitate to use a soft cloth which is moistened with a bit of rubbing alcohol, white vinegar or window cleaner.
Save Buckets in Holiday Presents
We all know how electronic gadgets are hit gifts across all genders and age brackets. Head over to and practically save buckets with every purchase. Browse through the selection of ipod. Whether you are looking into buying iPod nano, iPod Touch or an iPhone, from the basic classics to the latest models, you surely will love the great savings that you will enjoy from savebuckets.
You can compare prices for yourself and you will find the best deal on media players every time. Everyone could make use of these kind of savings during this time of the year. Browse through the site and choose your pick for the fun presents you will give your loved ones this season.
at Saturday, November 29, 2008 0 comments
Labels: saving tips
Planning a Child's Room
Install low horizontal shelves instead of vertical ones. You can also consider making a flexible storage so that it can shift as the child grows. Use adjustable shelves, modular units and easily moved chests of drawers.
For this reason, you would need to avoid built-in storage units that cannot adjust.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Accessories in Your Closet
If your closet happen to lack the extra rack that you need, you can always consider hanging your accessories. There are a bunch of hanging cases available in closet shops for shoes and handbags.
at Friday, November 28, 2008 0 comments
Labels: organize
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Cleaning the Blinds
at Thursday, November 27, 2008 0 comments
Labels: blinds, house cleaning
Getting Paid to Blog
The first thing I did was get my own domain and transferred all my blog’s content which was hosted in one of those social community networks. I was challenged by a friend that I have been blogging for so long and I don’t get a single dime out of all the efforts that I give. I just had to give it a try. One year later, I could safely conclude that it was the breaking point of what could be considered a major financial breakthrough.
The newest platform I joined in is PayingPost. They probably have studied all other platforms and incorporated some favorite features I love from them. Like being able to reserve opportunities. Their Blogger Dashboard is also very user friendly and easy to use. I also love that Paying Post has a blog that gives some bits and pieces for their bloggers to learn from, from the basics to the more technical stuff.
So if you would like to earn decent money while you blog, head over Paying Post and browse through their blog. If you are an advertiser, sign up for an advertiser account and if you are a blogger, a blogger account. There is no better way to get the buzz that you need but by advertising on blogs.
at Thursday, November 27, 2008 0 comments
Labels: monetize blogs
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tub and Tile Care

Bathroom floors covered in dull, old resilient tile may need especially strong cleaning measures. Scrub with a solution of one part ammonia to four parts of water, then dry with a towel. Apply a thin coat of wax following the directions on the container.
Handy Eyeglasses Tip

at Tuesday, November 25, 2008 0 comments
Labels: eyeglasses, zenni optical
How to Care for the Fireplace
Some households prefer to have gas fires or even on of those contemporary electric fires. There are a lot of state of the art hole in the wall fires available in that you might want to check out. They probably the top store to look into when it comes to quality at unbelievably low prices.
The walls of the firebox should always be cleaned with a dry bristle brush or the dusting attachment of the vacuum cleaner. Be careful not to scrub the firebrick or cement block with water. Doing this may reduce heat retention.
Clean the fireplace chimney flue at least once a year. It will be best if you get the services of a professional chimney sweeper. Dust brass and iron fireplace tools and fire screens regularly. Wash them occasionally with warm sudsy water. Also make sure to sprinkle damp tea leaves over the ashes before removing them to reduce the dust. Wash and coat your slate hearth with lemon oil once every six weeks.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Holiday Frames

at Monday, November 24, 2008 1 comments
Labels: holiday, zenni optical
Exhaust Fans in Bathrooms

When it is dry outside, don't forget to leave the window and curtain open.
at Monday, November 24, 2008 0 comments
Labels: bathroom tips
Handy Golf Tips
This is also the one sport that I hope to be able to explore with the hubby. We recently just came across this web page about the sport. It is in German language but nevertheless a very interesting golf website. I had it translated to English and found it to be the biggest golf shop offering a widest array of brand names in golf accessories and equipment. Anyone who play golf knows how important the basics of golf are. These stuffs being: golf bags, gloves, golf clubs, golf trollies, balls, training equipment. Training videos are made available for you as well straight from their website. It is totally a one stop online golf shop for all golf lovers.
Make sure you head over and check out what they have in store for you lovers of the sport. It is indeed a treasure website. You can also have a glimpse of the history of great golf players and their profiles. As you can see they have more than just an online shop at your disposal but more than just bits and pieces about the well loved sport.
As for me, I am hoping to be able to get down to learning this sport and appreciate golf all the more.
Keeping Bathrooms Clean
at Monday, November 24, 2008 0 comments
Labels: bathroom tips, clean, house tips
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Appetite Suppressants for the Holidays?

at Sunday, November 23, 2008 0 comments
Labels: diet, health tip
How About Coffee to Lose Weight?
I have heard about coffee having more antioxidants that green tea, but have you heard that coffee actually makes you lose weight? Maybe you can try this one out. But if you're in a rush, you can always try Fenterdren, which is unlike any other diet pill basically because it will allow you to burn that fat and keep it off permanently.
I am not a big coffee drinker, but for its antioxidant properties and weight loss capabilities, I just might give it a try.
at Sunday, November 23, 2008 0 comments
Labels: health tip
Bathroom Safety
If you have children around the house, make sure to install a doorknow with an outside lock release. This will prevent them the kids from getting locked inside accidentally.
Avoid using electrical appliances such as space heaters, hair dryers or radios near water. If you should have an outlet in the bathroom, make sure all outlets are equipped with GFI's (ground faluth interrupters) to prevent the possibility of fatal shock. Even then, you should always be careful.
at Sunday, November 23, 2008 0 comments
Labels: bathroom tips
Healthy Living and Detoxification
Even as we value detox, we still indulge in steaks once in a while. There is even this one seemingly simpleton grillery along Libis that we found out about! It was probably one of the yummiest Porterback steak I have ever tasted and at $6.32, it was something else! It was too yummy there was hardly any guilt after the meal. But after a few hours it stuck to me how sinful the meal was and got back to the importance of eating healthy.
This is where comes in. This site is dedicated on weight loss with Hoodia or Green tea, appetite suppressant patch, detox and Cleanse Nutritional Digestive Supplement – New Life Products. All of us could really use a wisdom or two from this website. For someone who is not getting younger, I know the difference when I eat bad cholesterol nowadays compared to my younger years. The bad effect is more immediate.
I especially appreciate’s claim that llosing weight is not done overnight like a magic potion. On the contrary its revolutionary weight loss formula in ChitoGenics Hoodia allows users to effectively lose weight by preventing fat absorption, suppress appetite and boost metabolism to help faster burning of calories. Now that is something all of us can make use of! I have always believed in the antioxidant components of green tea and this formula that ChitoGenics has affirms this belief.
at Sunday, November 23, 2008 0 comments
Labels: health tip
Knife Care

Friday, November 21, 2008
The Brand Identity Guru
The marketing company that is speak of is BrandIdentityGuru – BIG for short. This team help businesses to analyze their market and cook up an approach that will be best taken by their target audience or market. It is imperative in the current ongoings of businesses that one is able to make that brand recognition, otherwise all efforts and investments might just all go down the drain.
Strategies are very important as this is the key that generate leads that can spell out the success of the company’s desired return of investment and even the long term reputation they want for their products and services. It is also important to note that a brand should be unique to the product and a definite stand out. It will be the only way to get through the survival of the fittest. Head over to the and find out how you will have your product make that mark over to the vast market we currently have.
Keep All Medicines in One Place
I have totally taken for granted to put all medications in one place which is why I had to go rummage from every nook and cranny to get some pills that I needed. Now I have rearranged everything and I am proud to report that everything is in their particular place. No more second guessing for me now.
It is important to note to have a separate place for human medicines and that of horse supplements and other non-human medications. Especially if you have a pet around the house. More often than not, pet medications are stored somewhere in the garage just to define that it is not for human consumption.
at Friday, November 21, 2008 0 comments
Labels: organize
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Dealing with Drains

at Thursday, November 20, 2008 0 comments
Labels: kitchen, prevention
Internet Safety
at Thursday, November 20, 2008 0 comments
Labels: internet
Clean Kitchen Counters
Erase price marks that transfer from containers to countertops with the use of rubbing alcohol. Soap the counter every few days to discourage bacteria.
at Thursday, November 20, 2008 0 comments
Labels: kitchen
The Branding Significance
If you are new at a business, it will help you to know these things and consider pumping up your brand by taking in the services of Brand Identity Guru. This company is dedicated to give your product the look that you would like to be known for. There is a science to putting that brand to your product that requires art and creativity to come up with the best look.
Having said all this, the break does not always go to those who are veterans in the business industry. In fact with BIG, even new enterprises and companies are given the same opportunity to get their message across through their product. Which is why new products should have a well thought of brand and look.
at Thursday, November 20, 2008 0 comments
Labels: branding
Family Medical Records
First, this could help your family pinpoint some physiological weaknesses and susceptibility. Second, now that you have a list, you wouldn’t have to wonder what to write in your next doctor’s appointment (they usually require this kind of list on the initial visit). You might want to save this file with the rest of your medical records, make sure to make a copy that you can bring along during an appointment with the doctor.
at Thursday, November 20, 2008 0 comments
Labels: family tips, health tip
Smoke Detector in Your Kitchen
at Thursday, November 20, 2008 0 comments
Labels: kitchen, safety measures
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sporty Kid
Even as mentioned it in their site that “A child’s imagination is a wonderful thing and it’s a great source of enjoyment for them,” I would like to stick to that. While active playing of sports will allow for them to do that, a game console will just have them sit and be inactive, which promotes lazyness and what have yous. With that said, you have to check out NFL Jerseys for great sports gear for your tots, I just did.
This is why this generation barely do the same things our generation did. Like enjoy themselves and make friends! Kids these days don’t get to meet a whole lot of friends because most of them are stuck on their game consoles.
at Wednesday, November 19, 2008 0 comments
Labels: sports
Sports Over Game Consoles
I just saw a site that is all about sports and gears - I am beginning to like the site and am actually contemplating of getting my little guy’s sports stuff from there. What got me interested is the knowledge that this site is a licensed seller of Youth Baseball Equipment. I won’t just get a good pair of Baseball Gloves from this site but also some portable soccer goals that my husband wants to buy for the longest time to train our toddler to play soccer.
It is always good to start children early in sports rather than having them stay indoors and immerse on all those zombifying game consoles. If truth be told, we all know how even a mature adult can get hooked playing these game consoles, how much worse can little children handle them.
Moving Your Art Pieces?
Aside from music, what my husband and I love is photography. Although I never got down to formally learn, he has self studied of sorts and actually captures great shots with precision and you can very well tell from his compositions that given a good amount of dedication, he can improve even more.
If you happen to love collecting great photography, paintings or whatever type of art pieces, you have to check out this Art Moving if you are to travel and would have those pieces go to another place. Treasures of art oftentimes should be handled with care. There are even antiques and sculptures that requires a certain amount of temperature so as to keep it undamaged. Just let the Art Moving Company do its job to keep your art piece in one piece. This will give you piece of mind like no other moving company will provide you. This art movers have museums and well art collectors for clients. Don’t hesitate to contact them for your art moving needs.
Moving Out?
And you guessed it right, every single move, there will always be lots of scratches and major damage to our belongings. Be wise and take in the services of Boston Movers, if you give your belongings that you have accumulated any importance.
Humboldt Storage and Moving is a company dedicated to give you the best service that you need, to unburden you of the hassle of packing, storing and moving. Their team considers it a great responsibility to handle client’s items and they boast of a reputation that you can trust.
Moving is no easy job. It took us a number of moves to finally decide that all the broken stuff from the mishandling our former movers made is never worth it. We really should have availed of the services of a reputable moving service rather than end up having broken items inour home that could have otherwise lasted us many years.
at Wednesday, November 19, 2008 0 comments
Labels: house tips, movers, travel tips
Travel Tip: NY Bus Charter
NY Bus Charters has outstanding reliability. They offer transportation service for groups anywhere from the size of nine people up to fifty seven. They have the right vehicle for the number of people you wish to be accommodated. Transportation service will be easily taken care of and for you to get off your to do list. You are also assured that you will ride a very clean and well maintained service with the lowest possible rate you will find in the city.
I don’t need to be a New Yorker to actually know that traffic congestion in that city is horrible, so if you would love to enjoy the place and you plan to go visit New York, contact NYC Bus Charters for peace of mind and to spare you, your family or even business associates from the hassle of being in transit in such a crowded city.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
All Natural Diet Health Tip
Check out these Lipovox all natural ingredients:
Super Foods: Brazilian Acai, Cayenne Pepper Fruit, Garlic, Soybeans Isoflavones, Barley, Wheatgrass, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Alfalfa Sprouts, Flaxseed and Buckwheat
Super Antioxidants: Green Tea Extract and Salmon Oil Powder.
at Sunday, November 16, 2008 0 comments
Labels: health tip
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Travel Vacation Tip

We will soon check back with them as soon as the holiday cheer has subsided. :-)
at Saturday, November 15, 2008 1 comments
Labels: Disney, travel tips, vacation tip
Pots and Pans

Friday, November 14, 2008
Be Fit and Stay Healthy
Keep healthy. This is one tip that we can never emphasize enough. I have been down with a flu, for the fourth day now and I am bombarded by the fact that I have taken my health for granted. Leering away from exercise and skipping meals.
I know readers of this blog who play golf will find this site very handy and when the time comes that I get that chance to finally learn the sport, I know it is not unlikely for me to get hooked and be a regular of this web page.
at Friday, November 14, 2008 0 comments
Labels: health tip, sports
SpaTreatment for Leather Shoes

at Friday, November 14, 2008 0 comments
Labels: shoes
More Travel Tips
at Friday, November 14, 2008 0 comments
Labels: holiday, travel tips
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Soda Sprinkle

at Thursday, November 13, 2008 1 comments
Labels: baking soda, rubber shoes, shoes, tips
A Tip for Dieters
at Thursday, November 13, 2008 0 comments
Labels: diet tip
Mattress Care

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 Officially Launched
I recently signed up a couple of my blogs to and I am really thrilled that they have approved both my blogs in no time. This blog advertising network has been live for a few weeks now but officially launched today. My advertisers will very soon realize from the amount of blog traffic a few of my sites generate, that they are getting the buzz that they want for their products and services.
Press Release: PayingPost, another Consumer Generated Advertising Network, released Beta 2.0 of its online blog advertising service. Payingpost was online since a few weeks but officially launched today.
\"This website is focused on improving the quality of content for advertisers and bloggers,\" stated Jason King, founder and CEO of PayingPost. \"We have introduced a variety of features that will allow our service to naturally improve itself and provide the best Web 2.0 advertising experience for both bloggers and advertisers.\"
Whether you provide web design services, business consulting or sell products online getting people to talk about your company is probably the best marketing technique available. Customers get bombarded with advertising in our society, often times reducing the overall efficiency of those campaigns and creating what is called ad-blindness. The result is that direct recommendations or feedback by real people like bloggers will create more value and visibility for your services or products.
The most obvious benefit from buying sponsored reviews is the traffic that they will drive to your website. Popular blogs can generate tens of thousands of page views daily, and if they write an interesting review it is probable that a good percentage of their readership will check your product.
Optimal results can be achieved if you communicate to the reviewing blog what sides of your business you are trying to promote, why the readers could be interested on your product and the like.
Apart from generating traffic sponsored reviews will also improve your search engine rankings. Like it or not Google and other search engines rank your website based, among other things, on the number of incoming links and on the authority of the websites that are placing those links.
Your company might have a website with the most comprehensive and detailed information about a certain topic, but unless people are linking to it you will have very small chances of appearing on the first results for important keywords related to that topic.
Jason King also stated that \"PayingPost only charges a 20% fee while our competitors may charge 30-35%.\"
You can read more and register at
at Wednesday, November 12, 2008 1 comments
Labels: monetize blogs
Washing Vacuum Bottles

at Wednesday, November 12, 2008 0 comments
Labels: house tips
Earn from Home
at Wednesday, November 12, 2008 1 comments
Labels: internet, monetize blogs
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Doing the Dishes

Always wash these items by hand:
- fine decorated china
- colored anodized aluminum
- wooden items
- hallow handled knives
- pewter
- cast iron
- milk glass
at Tuesday, November 11, 2008 0 comments
Labels: dishwash, house tips
Monday, November 10, 2008
Some Holiday Tips

1. Sunscreen essentials
at Monday, November 10, 2008 1 comments
Labels: tips
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Unclogging a Drain
One does not need to actually get a plumber the minute a drain gets clogged. Here are some easy to follow steps in managing a clogged drain before you call a professional.

at Sunday, November 09, 2008 1 comments
Labels: house tips
Friday, November 7, 2008
Save on Eyeglasses
With the global economic crisis, we observe more and more people reassessing the way they spend their hard earned income. It is but about time that people actually start to save. One can actually start with the basics. If you or a member of your family happens to have less than perfect vision, chances are you have a yearly budget that is designated for the pair of eyeglasses. We all know that a pair pf eyeglasses actually cost a lot, if we are talking about quality. But that is before Zenni Optical became available online.

at Friday, November 07, 2008 0 comments
Labels: saving tips
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Easiest Way to Clean Mirrors and Windows
Glass furniture and mirrors can be buffed up in seconds with just an old damp newspaper. For very dirty surfaces, you might need to use some water diluted with washing-up liquid and applied with a sponge, then wiped and buffed dry with an old newspaper (damp) or micro fibre cloth. To stop a bathroom mirror steaming up, rub shaving foam over it, then buff off.
at Thursday, November 06, 2008 2 comments
Labels: clean, house cleaning, mirrors, windows
Internet Dating Tips
at Thursday, November 06, 2008 1 comments
Labels: internet
Take Advantage of Great Buys

at Thursday, November 06, 2008 0 comments
Labels: zenni optical
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Refrigerator Defrosting
at Tuesday, November 04, 2008 1 comments
Labels: clean, defrost, fridge, house cleaning, ref
Managing Your Finances
Another consideration is the interest rate. Choose a card company that offers the lowest interest rate and while you're at it a waived annual fee. It will all boil down how you would like to lead your life free of unnecessary complications.
at Tuesday, November 04, 2008 0 comments
Labels: finance tip
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Cleaning Products Cabinet

Insure Your Vehicle
For an informed decision, you can visit this site that specializes in giving you the best American Car Quotes. This site also offers more than just quotations, but a very handy sub page that is all about car safety, which every motorist should care to read about.
at Saturday, November 01, 2008 0 comments
Labels: insurance