Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How to Clean Kitchen Sinks

The kitchen sink is where we wash the very things that should always remain clean in the house – dinnerware and utensils. Is there any way we can wash our sinks with less hassle? Yes there is. There are a few things to remember and the rest is, as they say, common sense.

The first thing to do is make sure you have all the supplies that you need for cleaning. I have always recommended for my readers to use and that is all natural cleaning agents: baking soda, vinegar or a mixture of water and tea tree oil. The next thing in your checklist is a quality microfiber cloth. A substandard one can do the job all right, but it might not last a couple of cleaning. 
Before you start with the task, take away all clutters that might be atop your sink. If there are dishes to wash, then by all means wash them all first before you start. When this is done you can spray your sink with the concoction of tea tree oil and water. Let it stand for ten to fifteen minutes and scrub away. Baking soda can be a good cleaner as well and it will bring back the sparkle to your sinks. 
It will help to maintain your stainless steel sinks to a good shape when you make it a habit to give it a quick wipe after every use.