Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tennis Talk

One of the things that I enjoy doing as a family is whenever the hubby will dance with me and then followed by my son. Lately, we have been enjoying playing all sorts of games via this ultra techie console. Hands down, my three year old’s son’s favorite is playing golf while I try my best to beat the hubby in tennis – to no avail.

During our first couple of years that we were married, one of the favorite things we enjoy doing is that regular time to play badminton in the court. Acquiring all those ninja like moves can be the most exciting. There came a time that we wondered back then if we could get hold of Tennis Rackets for a change and switch to playing tennis. Only the hubby got to try playing. It was a little more relaxed than badminton, although the racket can be heavier.

Incidentally, if you happen to be a tennis lover like that of several from our family members are, you might want to check out DoItTennis.com. They have the latest, state of the art technology in tennis rackets. I never knew that tennis rackets could actually come lighter and much stronger if it wasn’t for this team. I am really going to check this one out if I am going to get serious in playing tennis.