Friday, February 6, 2009

The Stress of Working from Home

Never underestimate the things that a work from home parent like me has to go through on an everyday basis. As much as I love doing what I do, I also cannot help the if I get worn out time and again – this is if I do not watch it. Admittedly, this is a very stressful vocation. I know I would not have it any other way. This is why I have been trying to master a system that will work for me. I figured, Stress is the number one cause why I have sick half the time in 2008.

I have been extra vigilant as this year started, I make sure I have my weekend girl come and help me with major things that I need to do at home. I regularly do my workout at home. Balancing all the things in my sleeves can be a task but I am happy to report that I am doing better at it by the day. I now have more time with my toddler and I still get to do my job online without fuss.

The innovative Stress Eraser product might just prove beneficial for me. I can so relate to those people who used to regularly feel wrung out every so often. A “me time” with the stress eraser might just be the thing that I need to get me all charged up and stress free.


Anonymous said...

Great post, Excellent information of The Stress of Working from Home.....