Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Foods to Avoid When in Bad Mood

These are proven nutritional downers that you might want to avoid when you are not in one of your best days:

1. High sugar treats like doughnuts, cookies, et. al. These will give you a quick rush all right, but then again a loud crash will come right along. These sweet picks do not have the fiber that you will need to aids digestion.

If you are feeling down, choose foods that are longer to break down. Pick out foods that are low on the glycemic load scale.

2. Bacon. This is a favorite but this is a no-no because of it being high in saturated fats. This goes the same with cream sauces, fries and practically all fried stuff). These digest real slowly which diverts blood from brain to your tummy.

Make sure to use better cooking oil like that of nuts and coconut oils.

3. Big portions. Lunch with more than a thousand calories is more likely to bring you down. This will send less blood to your brain because of its longer digestion time. Grazing five to six times a day will be beneficial.

4. Caffeine and Alcohol. If at all, you should drink in moderation. Too much of these during your not so good days can cause you to feel nauseated.