Friday, February 27, 2009
No More Clogged Sinks

at Friday, February 27, 2009 0 comments
Labels: bathroom tips, declogging sinks, kitchen, sink
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tennis Talk

During our first couple of years that we were married, one of the favorite things we enjoy doing is that regular time to play badminton in the court. Acquiring all those ninja like moves can be the most exciting. There came a time that we wondered back then if we could get hold of Tennis Rackets for a change and switch to playing tennis. Only the hubby got to try playing. It was a little more relaxed than badminton, although the racket can be heavier.
at Tuesday, February 24, 2009 0 comments
Labels: sports, tennis rackets, tennis talk
Foods to Avoid When in Bad Mood
These are proven nutritional downers that you might want to avoid when you are not in one of your best days:1. High sugar treats like doughnuts, cookies, et. al. These will give you a quick rush all right, but then again a loud crash will come right along. These sweet picks do not have the fiber that you will need to aids digestion.
If you are feeling down, choose foods that are longer to break down. Pick out foods that are low on the glycemic load scale.2. Bacon. This is a favorite but this is a no-no because of it being high in saturated fats. This goes the same with cream sauces, fries and practically all fried stuff). These digest real slowly which diverts blood from brain to your tummy.
Make sure to use better cooking oil like that of nuts and coconut oils.3. Big portions. Lunch with more than a thousand calories is more likely to bring you down. This will send less blood to your brain because of its longer digestion time. Grazing five to six times a day will be beneficial.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Tips on Internet Gaming
Truth be told, it is something I cannot really get away from. A godson who once visited with a dear friend was a fan himself of internet games. Incidentally, if you are looking for wow toons for sale, you might want to go visit This company has built a considerable reputation when it comes to delivering what customers want since 2007.
Just a quick tip to those who love online gaming: It is always best to avail of a trusted seller that backs their product with 100% guarantee. You will hardly get that from auction sites, nor from a broker. With BuyMMOAccounts, your accounts are protected from being disabled, which are usually reported by customers from other sellers. While you are at it having fun with your gaming fix, then might as well be sure you have a legit account.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Tips on Clutter Control

First is make sure that you have a special place to store special toys and clothes in. Seasonal outfits like make believe costumes, swords, et. al. Second is to give small toys a cart or a box to hold them. Provide small buckets for crayons, pencils chalks and bigger buckets for blocks, bricks and balls. Third is to stash away those bulky toys out of sight. A multi function table can do the trick and serve this purpose.
at Saturday, February 21, 2009 2 comments
Labels: child's room, organize
Tips on Choosing the Best Web Host
Since it is the hubby who is more versed when it comes to web hosting, I asked him about its logistics. We later found out about this site that will give us all we need to know about web hosting.
This is one great tip all webmasters can make use of. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting a good web host. It is like a make or break decision that one has to do from the beginning. A 24/7 technical support is one of my primary concerns. The hubby has raved about one company who emails back in no time whatever his concern was. Can I blame him if he is all praises for that company? But he later experienced some delay and figured out, they were not as consistent. It is really wise to look into web hosting free research guide and this is where comes in handy.
at Saturday, February 21, 2009 0 comments
Labels: computer, internet, webhosting
Monday, February 16, 2009
Wise Spending in Tough Times
As I was doing my rounds in the internet, I have read the blurb on Zenni Optical in the New York Times. It is just neat that even big time media has given its take and have introduced to the common people how seeing straight without breaking bank is possible. Medical issues and expenses can really hurt the budget, if we don’t have alternatives like this.

at Monday, February 16, 2009 0 comments
Labels: finance tip, zenni optical
Tips on Strengthening Shelves

at Monday, February 16, 2009 1 comments
Labels: house tips, organize
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Going Easy on Credit
After having settled a couple of our credit cards, we are set on taking care of the three that we collectively still have very soon. It can be the most frustrating to be receiving your paycheck just to hand it over to th credit card company minutes after it landed in your palm. Getting out of debt is no walk in the park. Steps have to be taken, most of them mean ones, entailing discipline no less.
However if you happen to be on the other side of the coin, you might want to to check with American Profit. Their system is proven to effectively assist businesses in managing receivables from clients.
at Saturday, February 14, 2009 0 comments
Labels: finance tip
Keeping the Oven Clean

at Saturday, February 14, 2009 0 comments
Labels: house cleaning, house tips, kitchen, oven
Thursday, February 12, 2009
How to Better Manage Your Credit Cards and Receivables
The good news is if ever you opted to enroll the deferred amount to a 12 month term and you later decide to settle everything before it ends, you only pay the principal plus a minimal amount that will cover the handling fee, which is very neat if you ask me. I am not encouraging you to grab a hold of a credit card, but to remind those who do not yet know that there are ways to handle credit card purchases wisely than you may have gotten used to.
However, if you happen to want to better manage some accounts receivables you might want to check with
at Thursday, February 12, 2009 0 comments
Labels: finance tip
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Agitation and Spinning Washer Problems

at Wednesday, February 11, 2009 0 comments
Labels: house tips, washer
Organizing Your Phonebook

Incidentally, if you happen to need a massachusetts oui lawyer, you might want to jot down the information from In any event that you or anyone that you know is in a circumstance that you need to get someone who you can rely on to your defense, the expertise and professional counsel of Ed Sharkansy might just be what you will need. For someone who knows what the district prosecutors are looking for, you are in the right hand with this team.
We all know that when we are pressured it is hard to think straight and it is just right to be ready and organize your household with what seems to be trivial and jot things down, just in case.
at Wednesday, February 11, 2009 0 comments
Labels: organize
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Do You Still Use Plastic Containers for Your Drinking Water?

Info from Wikipedia:
Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), or simply dioxins, are a group of
halogenated organic compounds which are significant because they act as
environmental pollutants. They are commonly referred to as dioxins for
simplicity in scientific publications because every PCDD molecule contains a
dioxin skeletal structure. Typically, the p-dioxin skeleton is at the core of a
PCDD molecule, giving the molecule a dibenzo-p-dioxin ring system. Members of
the PCDD family have been shown to bioaccumulate in humans and wildlife due to
their lipophilic properties, and are known teratogens, mutagens, and suspected
human carcinogens.
Dioxins occur as by-products in the manufacture of
organochlorides, in the incineration of chlorine-containing substances such as
PVC (polyvinyl chloride), in the bleaching of paper, and from natural sources
such as volcanoes and forest fires.[1] There have been many incidents of dioxin
pollution resulting from industrial emissions and accidents; the earliest such
incidents were in the mid 18th century during the Industrial Revolution.[2]
The word "dioxins" may also refer to a similar but unrelated compound, the
polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) of like environmental importance.
I am sure you have also received emails about the danger of water in plastic that it kind of activates Dioxins. Truth be told, one does not really need to take a look at all these facts to know that water stored from plastic containers are not good for you. The smell of the water inside the plastic should already tell you something is wrong.
at Tuesday, February 10, 2009 1 comments
Labels: health tip, home tips
Home Accessorizing Tips

at Tuesday, February 10, 2009 0 comments
Labels: home tips
To Renew or Shift Subscriptions
Like an auto insurance coverage for instance. Did you know that auto insurance rates change practically every year? This is why we should always be in the look out for the best deal there is in the market. You may say that you have been with the same company for several years, but have you reviewed other company’s track record and compared rates? These are the basic things to consider. It should be very convenient to just pay the premium and get it over with, but it is always better to get the best value for your money, especially during the hard times.
It should not be much of a task, really. All you have to do is check out some auto insurance online, most of them give out free quotations for the car that you want insured. Aside from that, cancelling subscriptions from magazines that you seldom read or even credit cards should also be considered. The little things count a lot.
at Tuesday, February 10, 2009 0 comments
Labels: finance tip
Friday, February 6, 2009
Organizing Linens
at Friday, February 06, 2009 0 comments
Labels: house tips, organize
The Stress of Working from Home

I have been extra vigilant as this year started, I make sure I have my weekend girl come and help me with major things that I need to do at home. I regularly do my workout at home. Balancing all the things in my sleeves can be a task but I am happy to report that I am doing better at it by the day. I now have more time with my toddler and I still get to do my job online without fuss.
The innovative Stress Eraser product might just prove beneficial for me. I can so relate to those people who used to regularly feel wrung out every so often. A “me time” with the stress eraser might just be the thing that I need to get me all charged up and stress free.
Know Where You Stand Financially
If there is anything we can do from our end is responsibly take note of obligations that we have to get settled, consider bill consolidation loans even just to wrap things up in one account. It is way easier to pay for all obligations in one account than having to track a whole array of accounts that you might just end up forgetting one month or another. You might even have that old student loan dug up and settle.
There are a handful of things we could do to take control of. We might not undo the bad decisions we did in the past, but we can always choose to settle what we need at the present for us to be able to look forward to a better future. Maybe you would like to start with checking where you stand, check with for your free credit report.
at Friday, February 06, 2009 0 comments
Labels: finance tip
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Better Connection
Anyone would understand why in such circumstance, I never stopped at anything just to look into making that long delayed shift of internet connection. Incidentally, I stumbled upon RovAir Wireless. This company is currently the leading provider of wireless mobile broadband aircards, even Data Card Rental. They launched in the last quarter of 2007 and because of this innovation, people are able to travel and not leave the things that they need to do. We all see those WiFi signs everywhere and who does not know about Bluetooth? But to date, mobile connection still remains the better internet connection method. It connects computers and gadgets. Not just from one gadget to another but throughout the world wide web.
You might want to go visit and check out the technology that experts have come up with and choose among the plans and services that they offer.
at Thursday, February 05, 2009 1 comments
Labels: computers
Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware Do You Use?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
On Hobbies and Paintballs
I will not be surprised if he takes our son into one of those paintball game that he has been planning for a while now. Gearing up will be a thrill and I will have him check what they have in PntBall that he can use. Some cool Tippmann paintball guns and Tippmann 98 custom act models, I would have him choose just one and I’m sure he will have the time of his life in this diversion.
at Wednesday, February 04, 2009 0 comments
Labels: hobby
Donate Old Toys and Clothes to Charity

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Having Your Own Home
If you happen to live in United States , there is a company that custom builds homes. You might want to read about Schumacher Homes Information to learn more about what people have to say about Schumacher Homes. It can now be said that practicality and quality can go together.
How Clutter Accumulates

at Tuesday, February 03, 2009 0 comments
Labels: home tips
Monday, February 2, 2009
Hair Loss Product Online Guide
This Hair Loss Product guide was exactly what I needed. I am sure to bookmark this web page and maybe you should too, in any case I might once again need to use any of the featured products. What especially had my attention on this site is that the products they feature are all towards safe and efficient herbal hair treatments, especially reviewed by their team who are all experts in this field.
Their top three products are Provillus, Procerin and Advecia. I happen to lean towards their top 1 product – Provillus. Its being effective is vouched by a handful of men and women, seeing results as fast as three months! This product’s customer service is impeccable as well, which takes out the stress of what have caused the hair loss to begin with. I have read that stress seem to be one of the major causes of hair loss and it definitely is not something I would like to go through ever again.
Sorting Mails

Commercial Mailboxes from Mailboxixchange

at Monday, February 02, 2009 1 comments
Labels: mail, mailbox, mailboxixchange
Weekend Help

at Monday, February 02, 2009 0 comments
Labels: house cleaning, house tips