Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Wonders of Tea Tree Oil

If there something that I will vouch for that is a non-negotiable must have for the household. It can do wonders not just to zap zits, but also be your partner in cleaning your home.

The truth of the matter is, you can practically live on using just this as an overall cleaning agent -seriously. It is no less than the ever famous Tea Tree Oil. Try it for yourself, put a few drops in a spray bottle and mix it with water. Generously spray it on molds that could be inside your refrigerator or wherever, even the tough ones and you will see those molds streaming down in no time. It does not just guarantee easy cleaning, but it is friendly to the environment.

Think about your laundry. You can also use a few drops of this oil in lieu of the unnatural and non environment friendly commercial fabric conditioners. It does wonders and leaves fabrics clean and smell great especially during times when mr. sun won’t show up. I put a drop or two in my usual handsoap and liquid dish detergent. I also use it when I concoct my own liquid soap made from left-over soaps. Its uses is just limitless, to think that years back I just thought it was just good at drying pimples up.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm so glad to know there's something other than vinegar and water that removes mildew and mold. As owners of a large house cleaning company in Lafayette CA, we are sometimes asked how to remove mildew from bathroom walls and ceilings. Now I know what to tell them. Thank you!