It is in the news today, Moringa or “Malunggay” in the vernacular was tapped by Malacanang to be a super vegetable. Thus, its potential to actually move the country against poverty and climate change. The vegetable farmers was asked by the government to help alleviate poverty and do a great deal in saving the environment because apparently Moringa can reduce the incidence of floods and lessen hunger and nutrition.

This tip is something really new to me. After having known of the goodness and benefits of Moringa from the time that I was struggling with breastfeeding some four years ago, I never knew it actually can be tagged as a super vegetable. I shouldn’t be at all surprised though.
The poor community can actually plant Moringa trees and never have to be malnourished at all. This vegetable is enough to nourish our bodies. I am going to have to research more on the benefits of this super vegetable.
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