Quite possibly you have been hearing different reasons why people sell their endowment policies. Hundreds if not thousands of individuals are selling their endowments. Mostly, for good reasons, here may be some of them: The current policy that you have does not cover future mortgage repayments, to pay off debts, getting divorced, you currently need a running capital for a business or even because of emergency, the need to repay mortgage, moving to another place, cannot keep up with payments, or just because you need the money for a major purchase.
There are a few things to consider when choosing an entity to partner with when it comes to Selling Endowment Policies. A short check list would be: Make sure to only work with experts and are backed with good reputation. Legal papers should also be a part of the service offered. The guaranteed clause should be that money will get to you as soon as legal work is done. Last but the most important of all is the back up support availability.
With the basic information above, you know better than to short sell your policies. Given the right buyers, you will be assured that surrendering is the right decision to make given the valid reason that you have.

With the basic information above, you know better than to short sell your policies. Given the right buyers, you will be assured that surrendering is the right decision to make given the valid reason that you have.
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