With the evolution of game consoles that are made available all over the market, it is not an uncommon problem for parents world wide where to strike a balance when it comes to their children and the use of these high technology game consoles. We sure do not want to withhold them the "game of the generation," whether it be PS2, XBox, Wii or PSP. The question really is "should we have them enjoy it to begin with?" As it is designed to get one addicted, it is not fair to have them have a taste of it and then pull it out from them in the middle of a game's momentum. You know how its like.
The key is to have the parents decide on this issue head on, even before the kids are old enough to play. It does help to agree on something. It always gives you a head start to prevent damages and have you both work on priorities that you want your kids to value.
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