Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Child Care Tip: Traveling with a Toddler

While traveling could be fun, it can also be a challenge when you have a toddler in tow. But we could very much keep troubles and worries at bay if we just take note of the basics. 

Regardless of the destination, it could be local or international, a parent should make sure to bring things that children could do during travel time. To fill a bag with a variety of toys and activities a child could make use of like books, crayons, clays stickers, even picture books and random toys. Don't forget to throw in the child's favorite toy. 

Another basic is to have your child dress comfortably. When a child is ill at ease with his clothes the chances of having a fussy travel will be very high and that's not something we all would want as we go to our vacation place.