Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Preserve Refrigerated Fruits and Veggies

I have personally used aluminum coated bags like this to store my fruits and veggies in the fridge. I first learned about it in one of those spammy-looking emails. Since it tells of being able to preserve not just my food but also preserve mother earth by not having to throw those used bags, I thought I should give it a try. I have nothing to lose anyway.

Now I am here posting away to vouch that it does work. My tomatoes would normally last for just a few days in the vegetable bin, now it lasts for a couple of weeks. The same goes for other fruit and veggies.

The key is not to seal the bag once its inside the fridge. This tip is very handy especially in this feasting season. Those leftover fruits should go in a bag and not just throw it anywhere in the refrigerator.