Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stay Healthy

The least that we could have our family have is a lifestyle that's healthy and fit.  With all the junk and crappy foods available commercially, it is easy to jump into patronizing those "instant" food stuff.  

In our quest to be proactive in this area, we recently got rid of our six year old microwave.  A wedding gift that we have been using.  When I read about the dangers of getting our food nuked, it all made sense to me and we decided to heat everything the primitive way, if that is how you call it - stove top way.  

This is one of the ways that you can choose to live healthy.  Obesity usually is a result from indulging on all those crappy foods.  Not only do we not need to pop in those diet pills, but we actually increase the quality of life that we have because we are healthier.  And as they say,  "Health is Wealth!"