Thursday, September 10, 2009

Web Hosting Choice

Speaking of web hosting, there are possible over a hundred we see available online. This is the very same reason why we have to carefully look into before subscribing. Losing database and articles that you have worked on for so many years is devastating. This is exactly what has happened to us, five months afte we have subscribed to this cheap web hosting service early this year.

After having learned our lesson the hard way, we have come to rely on Web Hosting Choice and one of the Top 10 webhosting sites they have is Host Gator. The subscription that we got features unlimited domains. This came in very handy, because we do have a lot of sites that we maintain. One subscription fee for one web hosting is a neat way to a low maintenance web administration.

Now that I hope to transfer the webhosting of this site from Blogger, I am looking at the Top 1 in their list – At $3.95, with a score of 98% and voted best host, this is just something to seriously look into. I know I could always add this up with our current subscription with Host Gator. But I want this site to be of a different IP address, so this is something to consider.