Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Things to Watch Out When on Apartment Hunting

Apartment hunting can really be one daunting task, to say the least. After having transferred from one apartment to the other, five times, I could say, that we have earned a considerable “degree” when it comes to knowing what to watch out for in an apartment.  

Aside from the basic things in your checklist, which should include: the proper installation and functions of the utilities. Making sure there is no clogged and problem drainage and sockets are good. Although a façade of a sturdy looking steel buildings is nice, you should still investigate from the inside just to make sure you do not get into roof trouble or anything that can be major once you have settled in.

The landlord should provide a number that you can contact, in case of maintenance emergency. Another important thing to check out is the neighborhood. With the abundance of information that you can get a hold of, you can actually have an idea of the kind of neighborhood your prospective apartment has.