Thursday, September 3, 2009

Health Tip: How to Be a Food Smart

A person becomes food smart the moment he started choosing to eat healthy. Living healthy has always been a choice and one does not need a degree to be smart at eating. We all have heard that “Health is Wealth,” because it really is. The moment we take our health for granted is the time that we allow bodies to be susceptible to all kinds of diseases and in this day and age where free radicals are abundant, believe me when I say that it does not take a lot to get sick.

To eat healthy does not just stop at benefiting our bodies but it also makes us better people by allowing us to practice sound judgment. We then become problem solvers as we are able to stand making decisions. When a person fails to take control of his eating habits, then chances are he is also not able control a lot of other things in his life just the same. Healthy eating is lifestyle and we all know what healthy foods are, we do not even have to enumerate them to you. Choose to live a better quality of life by being a food smart.