Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tips on Maximizing an iPod's battery life

If you happen to be one of the users of ipods, then chances are you heard about issues of its battery life. To make sure you are getting the most of the battery life of your ipods, always make sure that you have the latest software from Apple. The makers themselves should be the ones to device ways to maximize its battery life.

For your reference, listed herein is the battery life expectancy of ipod batteries:

1st to 4th generation iPod: 8 hours
5th generation iPod (iPod Nano/Video): 12 hours
1st generation iPod Mini: 8 hours
2nd generation iPod Mini: 18 hours
1st generation iPod Shuffle: 12
1st generation iPod Photo: 8 hours
2nd generation iPod photo: 15 hours
2nd generation iPod photo: 15 hours