I personally think that we should always do our best to walk our talk. Even as these tips that I share here are aplenty, I honestly try my best to incorporate the values shared in every tip, if not follow them all to the letter. Not that I declare to be authority of organization, but I believe that how we conduct things in our daily lives reflect our very beings one way or another.
Another tip that I would like to share with my blogger readers and adverts alike is to sign up with SocialSpark. I am a newbie of this team and I am glad that I have signed up from the first invitation. I especially like SocialSpark because it allows transparency in posts, which makes the whole difference from other blog advertising service sites. The values they carry are:
-100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
-100% Transparency
-100% Real Opinions
-100% Search Engine Friendly
I love the fact that each sponsored post I do for SocialSpark has a nofollow attribute, which allows for my blog to not be labeled as a link farm that besets blogs to get slapped out of their page ranks sooner or later. Another thing that drove me to favor SocialSpark is it is a lot like friendster and facebook in its neat social community feature. We bloggers can actually socialize and get to know fellow bloggers and not just have them in the back of our minds as just one of our competitors for opportunity takings. What’s more is we get to meet the adverts as well. I don’t know about you, but I have yet to see a blog advertising service as neat as this.

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