Pants are an everyday wear for any family. They are just something families of today live with. And when it comes to pants there is one and only sole authority – Dockers. I recently just stumbled upon the ultimate Dockers contest. All that one has to do is make a 30 minute video commercial. No purchase necessary. How cool can a contest get? I do not remember many a contest requiring no purchase. If at all, this is usually part of their promotion to hike their sales up, but not with Dockers. I viewed a number of entries and this is my favorite.
Its simplicity and the message came across with suave stating the fact that wherever part of the world you are, Dockers is global and it is inevitable that it would be known to all. Despite the different translations of the word pants, Dockers is practically the universal term for pants and it reinforces the authority that Dockers already has.
If you think you have the creativity to make a video and have it aired on the June 13, 2008 broadcast of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in NBC.com then go grab your handycam, mobile phone or any tech gadget that you will need to make that video. You never know, your creative mind might just be what it takes to get your very own video live as an official Dockers commercial.

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