It is jeans and shirt for the majority of people I see whenever I go out. This is what I have favored as well through the years. Nothing can come close to the comfort and style of wearing a pair of pants. The difference in cuts and style spell out the character of the wearer one way or another.
If my favorite pair of pants can just talk, it would probably nag me to get her a twin. I have possibly abused her through the number of years I have been with her. I attempted to get her replaced but nothing matches her fit. You see I have bought a couple of pairs but I always go back to my trusty pants that fit me just right. Pairs of pants that are sure to deliver that same comfort and style that everybody is after, is Dockers, hands down. From comfort, to the stylish cuts, you will know even from afar if it’s one or just one of those wannabees.

If you think you have that pair of pants that tell a story, go share it on Dockers contest. Get that creative juices work for you and get that video submitted and get that rare chance to have your genius shown on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

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