I have encountered some handy tips in the past suggesting to get your photo taken with belongings around your house. It can sound a little ridiculous at first, but the very purpose of such could actually be your insurance to the ownership of the possessions you have accumulated throughout the years.

Make sure to get these photos kept safe in your safe if you have one or in a metal box. This will be your proof that the item is yours, when any or lost, stolen or destroyed. One easier piece to do is have someone take a video of you as you enumerate the things around your house. This will be way easier and can give out details that could take lots of photographs would need to get a hold of. In a video you can actually hold the items and show them special marks from the very same object that cannot be disputed that it is of another item, like if it were photos.
This could really come in as a very neat way to secure your items at home and this could allow you to claim from insurance companies in the event of fire or similar unexpected events.
Nice blog
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