Thursday, August 28, 2008

Maximizing Bits of Time

Most chores can easily be done and over with in bits of times. Like for instance, while waiting in line, you can do several things like checking a list. Or if you're waiting for your turn at the doctor's office, you pay the bills, either by phone or the nearest pay center. Or you can even write out your shopping list. They key really here is to make use of every available time for the little things that you need done.

Here's what you can do in 5 minutes:
Phone for an appointment.
Trim your nails.
Water the garden.
Sew back a button.

How about in 10 minutes:
Write out that card for a loved one.
Repot a flower.
Clean up your desk.
Dust the furniture.

In 30 minutes:
Go through the piles of magazines.
Work on a long delayed project, even in that given time.
Vacuum the house.


myles said...

emotera was here! tnx for adding me. =)

E-Tavasi said...

I like this post nice.. :)

Etavasi with
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