This is important to take note of if you would rather have the interest work for you and to be able to maximize the benefits of being a credit card owner. Yes, you could actually tell yourself you can pay for the items on installment. The fact is if you got this embedded in your mind that you will get used to using your cards and pay off what you actually owe on installment. This is what a lot of people take for granted at first until they find out too late that they are deep in debt and are only paying off interest instead of the principal. Think about it.
That’s basically the only thing that you need to be definite about before you ever consider getting a credit card, the other things are just minute ones that will still base its foundation to this very issue- responsibility. It is a mistake to apply for a card if your sole purpose is to purchase items that you cannot afford in reality. Living within your means will always do you good.
Ok Jen send me again all your links para ma add ko ulit and tell kung aling site kita di nailagay huh? Hehehe..
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Back when I was a lawyer, I filed a lot of bankruptcies. The main problems in almost every case were medical bills and credit card debt.
I don't carry credit cards at all, except for my Bank of America Visa debit card. If I can't afford it, I don't buy it. Simple as that.
Why? I figure on retiring one day and, when I do, my house will be paid off and I'll have virtually no debt. Introducing a bunch of credit cards into the mix could derail that plan in a hurry!
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