Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tips for New Year's Resolution Success

How many of us have written down and were once gung ho over our New Year's Resolution, then find ourselves losing interest as the novelty slowly wears off. The first thing to do is have an accountability partner. An accountability partner is someone who you are giving permission to inquire how you are doing in your quest. It is also important to know who to choose for accountability partner. 

If you happen to have a regular yoga exercise as part of your resolutions, then someone who knows a thing or two about yoga and manduka possibly, will be a good candidate. If this won't work for you specific resolution, it is a good thing to tell a good friend of your plan and lay away your intention to be serious at this. If a friend sees how serious you are at something, chances are he or she will understand and do her share of following up on you on your quest fulfill your new year's resolution.